
Sodium Swaps for the Home Dialysis Diet


As a home dialysis patient, you likely already know how important it is to drastically reduce your sodium intake. Consuming large amounts of sodium can make high blood pressure even worse, leading to increased kidney damage.

But in a food landscape surrounded by sodium, cutting back is easier said than done. Here are a few sodium swaps to make your home dialysis diet both healthy and satisfying.  


Build your home dialysis emergency plan


No one wants to imagine a situation where they’re dialyzing at home when an emergency occurs, such as losing power or severe weather events. Hopefully, you’ll never find yourself in such a situation, but having a plan ready can help you feel more secure and prepared in the face of an emergency. Here are a few things to include in your home dialysis emergency plan.


Four Summer Tips for Home Dialysis Patients


We’ve had a scorching start to summer here in the Tristate. Many of our Cincinnati Home Dialysis patients are looking forward to taking advantage of the season and eased COVID-19 restrictions after vaccination. But the rise in temperatures, humidity, and air quality advisories means home dialysis patients need to take extra care to stay safe and healthy. Here are four things kidney patients should keep in mind in the summer months.


Let’s show up for our neighbors this National Volunteer Week


National Volunteer Week occurs during the third week in April – it’s all about celebrating the power of volunteers to tackle challenges in our communities. From supporting Cincinnati’s frontline workers during this pandemic to advocating for all those affected by kidney disease at the National Kidney Foundation’s annual kidney walk, giving back is important to all of us here at Cincinnati Home Dialysis.

Volunteering is a great way to support our neighbors and community members, especially during the pandemic. There are lots of ways to get involved in the Greater Cincinnati area, including physically-distant and virtual opportunities. Here are a few ideas to inspire you for National Volunteer Week.


Four things to know about home dialysis


As COVID-19 has made it extremely risky for dialysis patients to do in-person activities, many are turning their attention toward home dialysis. Interest in home dialysis has been trending upward in the last few years, but the pandemic has highlighted the need for home treatments more than ever. For those who are newly considering home dialysis, here are a few things you should know.


Home Dialysis and the COVID-19 Vaccine


For the millions of Americans like you living with kidney disease, COVID-19 continues to pose a critical threat to your health, well-being, and treatment. The frequent addition of comorbid conditions like diabetes and hypertension puts kidney patients at even greater risk of facing life-threatening complications from COVID-19. Cincinnati Home Dialysis strongly urges our home dialysis patients to talk their care team about getting vaccinated against COVID-19.