Cincinnati Home Dialysis Blog

Tag: chronic kidney disease


5 kidney-friendly veggies and fruits to add to your home garden


As temperatures slowly inch above the 50s around the tristate, many of us are looking forward to gardening season. Now is a great time to start planning. No matter how much growing space you have at home, you can cultivate your own produce with any budget. Gardening is a great way for home dialysis patients to get some light exercise and stay invested in a dialysis diet. (Fueling up with kidney-friendly foods you grew yourself is much more satisfying!)

Whether you’re planning your first patio container garden or are a seasoned raised bed gardener, consider adding these kidney-friendly vegetables and fruits to your home garden this year. 


Mental Health Tips for Managing Chronic Kidney Disease


Coping with the physical effects of chronic kidney disease (CKD) can be stressful no matter how long ago you transitioned to the dialysis lifestyle. Fear and anxiety surrounding your health and your future are normal, but they don’t have to dominate your life. There are many ways to support your mental health and continue living well with CKD.