
How to have a successful telehealth visit


Telehealth is safe way to connect with your Cincinnati Home Dialysis care team or other doctors about non-emergency health concerns. Here are a few tips to make your virtual visit as effective as an in-person visit.

Make a list of symptom changes or difficulties

Before the visit, write down any changes in your symptoms or other difficulties that have been interfering with your daily life. Note when these symptoms or issues began and how long they’ve been occurring.

Write down questions

Have a list of questions you’d like to discuss with your doctor ready before the visit to ensure you get the information you need.

Take your vitals

If you have the equipment to do so, take your vitals before the visit – temperature, blood pressure, weight, and heart rate. You’ll need a thermometer, scale, and blood pressure machine.

Find a quiet, well-lit space

Do the virtual visit with your doctor in a quiet room in your home, preferably by yourself for the most privacy. Try to position your phone or computer’s camera at eye level. Avoid sitting with your back to a window, as this can darken your video.

Clarify instructions and follow up

Before ending the telehealth appointment, clarify any instructions your doctor gives you and discuss how they would like you to follow up.

In some cases, your doctor may determine that an in-person visit is necessary to fully address your concerns. While there is always some degree of risk for contracting the virus while being around others, medical facilities have strict COVID-19 safety protocols and are limiting the number of patients in the office.

In many cases, the risk of complications from existing health concerns is greater than the risk of coming into contact with the virus. Your Cincinnati Home Dialysis care team believes getting the care and treatment you need is critical to your long term wellbeing.

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